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photosynthesis interactive

we inserted some carbon inside the leaves and we shined some light on the leaves so we could see how long it takes for them to rise and sink, and it also showed how fast the act of photosynthesis works and it also shows us what actually does to the plants

monocot    and   dicot


Purpose of Experiment: The purpose of this experiment was so that we could see the difference between a dicot and a monocot, and how they grow

Explanation of monocots and dicots: Monocots have 1 cotyledon while Dicot have 2 Cotyledons. Monocots have variables of 3 petals while Dicots have variables of 4-5 petals. Monocots have wet roots while dicots have tap roots.

My Predictions: After dissecting both the corn and mung beans, I personally believe the corn is a monocot as it has 1 cotyledon while mung beans are dicots as they have 2 cotyledon. Once the corn begins flowering, the petals are in variables of 3, another chief sign of a monocot. And finally, once the corn sprouts, it has a singular leaf rather than 2 leaves.
Observations: These are the results I found while the experiment was running.

Day 1, I germinated the corn and mung bean seeds with clean water, paper towels, a clear solo cup, sugar, and the crushed leaves of it's brethren.

Day 2, No plants have sprouted yet. I believe the mung bean shall sprout first.

Day 3, The mung beans have released their cotyledons. I was corrected in my hypothesis of the mung beans sprouting first. I gave the plants 1/2 cup of water.


Day 4: Twas a sad day for experimenting upon the plants for an unknown colleague overwatered the plants, killing them all. All of their decomposing bodies were found floating upon the water.

Day 5, All plants has decayed into a odorous sludge that easily cleared a 10 by 10 inch area around it.

Day 6, The experiment has resulted in a cacophony of death and suffering for; the scientists and plants. Sadly, the plants were unable to recover from such an attack. Summer forced our research team to remove the experiment from the walls of the classroom.

Day 7, With confidence we have decided to restart our experiment and promise to avoid the tragedies of the past.

Day 8, We have given our new plants a acceptable amount of water.


Day 9, We adjusted our digital portfolio so it will display the results of our experiment.


Plants stance on how to dance

our slide show answers most of the questions that have been asked, and we do not have access to the pictures that were taken of our project

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